Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Reformation Day!

Disclaimer: If you haven't guessed already, this is a tribute to Martin Luther. If you don't like my opinions, either don't read or disagree respectfully and with facts. Let's not restart the Thirty Years' War in my comments section.

The 31st of October usually evokes jack-o-lanterns, free candy, and all things that go bump in the night. Few remember October 31st as the day that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses onto the door of Wittenberg Castle Church. Most choose to ignore today’s religious significance because of its seeming irrelevance or potential to surface old wounds. Yet to deny Reformation Day is to deny one’s own history, and we can all learn from the blunders that led to this historic revolution.

To fully appreciate Martin Luther’s contribution, it is necessary to understand the state of the Catholic Church in 1517. Corruption was rampant in the Vatican Curia, the governing body of the Catholic Church, and few exemplified this better than the Pope at the time, Leo X. Leo X was quoted as saying to his brother that “Since God has given us the papacy, let us enjoy it.” And enjoy it he did. To maintain power, Leo X resorted to nepotism and assassinated cardinals who disagreed with him. He also poured Vatican funds into grand boar hunts, numerous artistic commissions, and his (failed) campaigns against Spain and France to establish a central Italian kingdom. Rome paid a heavy price in blood and treasure, and Rome’s treasure, however large, could not last forever. The Vatican did not have enough money to rebuild St. Peter’s Basilica, and the Pope decided to incentivize private donors by offering indulgences.

An indulgence is “a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven” (Catholic Catechism). According to the Catechism, repentance is a necessary prerequisite of earning an indulgence, and now indulgences were earned on the basis of wealth. If you were rich enough, you could earn forgiveness without changing your ways. That could potentially cause problems. Despite the assertions of fundamentalist Bible-thumpers, the Pope was probably not trying to sell salvation (indulgences do not even deal with eternal forgiveness), but as Catholic Encyclopedia explained, “it is easy to see how abuses crept in”.

Luther’s 95 Theses exposed this corruption and thus rendered the universal Church a great service. Nobody likes getting called out, however, and the Pope’s dim view of Luther (“a drunken German who would soon be sober”) meant that events only went downhill from there. The Reformation soon became a Revolution, and Luther, with a heavy heart, was excommunicated by the Pope and forced to flee from Papal-controlled territory. Thus begins the split between Protestants and Catholics.

But the Catholic Church is not the only Christian group guilty of mismanaging their funds. Protestant megachurches in particular struggle to discern the difference between promoting the community and promoting themselves. Financial management, whether they be due to an excess or lack of money, is a real struggle for all churches. Reformation Day should be a time for all churches, both Protestant and Catholic, to consider whether their expenses benefit the ministry and if their practices truly honor the name of Christ.

But in practice, all you need to do is to remember that Halloween day is more than jack-o-lanterns, candy, or monsters. Whether you trick or treat, hold a house party, or go to Halloween alternatives (Come out to GLOW Sarang kids!), stay safe, honor God, and have fun. Happy Reformation Day!

Monday, October 12, 2015

SPICE and Essay Question Guidelines

Spanish Journal Prompts

For all those who need it--

el 21 de 8
¿Cómo defines la familia?
el 26 de 8
¿Qué haces (o qué quieres hacer) tú para contribuir al bienestar de la comunidad? 
el 4 de 9
Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y, dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros." -UN Declaration of Human Rights
What is the meaning of this? 
el 11 de 9
¿Alguna vez tus padres te han prohibido hacer algo que querías hacer? ¿Cuáles fueron las razones? ?Cómo reaccionaste?
el 16 de 9
Haz una lista de cinco tradiciones que celebra tu familia y de qué consisten. Luego explica por qué es importante mantener vivas esas tradiciones. ¿Quiéres son responsables de conservarlas o transmitirlas?
el 18 de 9
¿Que te interesa, qué imaginas para tu futuro?
el 25 de 9
¿Qué influencia tiene el desarollo científico y technológico en nuestras vidas? Usa ejemplos específicos de tu vida.
el 2 de 10
¿Cómo defines la autoestima? ¿Cómo puede una persona aumentar su autoestima?
el 9 de 10
Cuando perder te hacer ganar. Reflexiona de algún ejemplo en tu vida (o en la vida de alguna persona de quien hayas leído) cuando perder (o fallar) te hizo ganar de una manera inseperada.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

How to Turn Your 26s Into 30s

From personal observation and numerous complaints on the WHAP Class of '18 Facebook group, I can tell that most kids struggle mainly with Interaction on the SPICE Chart and essay questions. This guidebook will discuss common mistakes and effective strategies to approaching both aspects of notes.


(1) Environment is not Trade or Cities.

Trade is a solely economic subject; do not write anything about trade routes. Cities are a political subject unless you can provide specific population numbers.

(2)Demography and Disease

Specific population numbers and disease are also extremely helpful.

(3) Migrations

Migrations are only suitable if specific numbers are listed ("90,000 Zainichi Koreans moved to North Korea").

(4)Patterns of Settlement

What geographical details influenced people to settle in a location? Specific numbers also help. For example, the Kolob Canyons' abundance of vegetation and mineral resources encouraged Mormon pioneers to settle there.


How did technology impact exploitation of natural resources? 

(6) Include Geographic Details

Consider agriculture's effect on terrain or vice versaExploitation of other natural resources, such as minerals, is also helpful. For example, if the notes were about South Africa you would put that "Much South Africa land is arid, allowing only a small percentage to be suitable for agriculture" or "Gold, diamonds, and precious minerals are abundant in the northern regions, causing heavy mining there. This causes erosion and contamination of groundwater." Natural disasters work as well.

Essay Questions

(1) Terminology

Explain/How("Explain the importance of geography to an empire's success.")
Level 2. Use analyze or discuss instead. Please.

Compare/Contrast ("Compare and contrast Greek mythology and Platonic philosophy")
Use similarities and differences. The owner of the next set of notes who I see uses "compare and contrast" will get the full force of my disapproval.

Importance ("Analyze the importance of allowing lower class involvement in the government of classical Greece.")
Importance requires opinion and speculation, whereas good essay questions require specific historical evidence.

Change and Continuity
Please use this more often for Big Picture essay questions.

(2) Wordiness

Example: "Analyze the similarities and differences between Religion A and Religion B and examine their effects on society from Year X to Year Z." 
Focus on one body of study. Wordiness reveals two essay questions when there should be only one.

(3) Wrong Specificity, Wrong Area

Example: "Analyze the effects of civil war on the strength of an empire."
Don't solely analyze specific pieces of evidence, you need multiple to answer the essay question. Areas of study should be  specific and based off of the SPICE Chart. Location is key. Take this flawed essay question: what is strength and stability? Which empire? Which civil war? Instead, use specific categories. For example, take this example essay question: "Analyze the impacts of British influence on methods of governance and cultural traditions in Canada from 1800-1900." Methods of governance is key for political

(4) How to Write an Essay Question

Example: Analyze the relationship between cricket and politics in South Asia from 1880 to 2005.
This is an actual essay question from the 2012 test. It incorporates several key elements of an essay question:
(1) Terminology (Analyze)
(2) Type of Essay Question (Syncretism)
See the handout for reference. Comparison deals with similarities and differences. Diffusion deals with exchanges between two elements and Syncretism deals with the formation of a third element from two elements. Big Picture deals with the most important elements during a time period, identifies ways that history changed or stayed the same, and analyzes their significance. Common Phenomena deals with independent inventions shared by two or more societies and how they shaped those societies.
(3) Bodies of Study (cricket, politics)
Bodies of study should be based off of SPICE. Cricket is a cultural game. Politics is what it is.
(4) Location (South Asia)
Location allows depth of understanding. Omitting location is a common mistake and thus warrants elaboration. If South Asia was not the location, we could be talking about cricket in England, Rhodesia, or the entire British Commonwealth.
(5) Time Frame (1880-2005).
Time frame allows depth of understanding. Omitting time frame is another common mistake. For say this essay question did not establish a time frame. Cricket could have had an entirely different political meaning in 1850.

Here is an essay question I wrote:

Analyze the similarities and differences between the fall of the Galactic Republic and that of the Galactic Empire from 22 BBY-11 ABY.

(1) Terminology? Check.
(2) Type of Essay Question: Comparison
(3) Bodies of Study: The falls of the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire
(4) Location: Star Wars universe
(5) Time Frame: 22 BBY-11 ABY (BBY/ABY--Before/After Episode IV)

If our notes were on Star Wars (oh how I wish they were), then this would get full points.

Tips and Warnings:

-Always use the guideline handed out at the beginning of the year.
-Always justify why a certain piece of evidence belongs in a certain category.
-Never label your questions. If you label a question as Big Picture and she judges it as Common Phenomena, your instructor may (will) dock points off your score.
-See previous AP test essay questions if you need help.
-Always check with a junior or your course instructor before submitting your notes!

-Joseph Cho

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

About Me

Kim Cheol (김철선생님). 
I'm not him, but I want to be like him.
Joseph Cho is the resident Grump of Grindlay Street. He enjoys writing about history, current events, church, school, and whatever is ticking him off. Currently a student, Joseph helps upload the daily homework for his peers and well...being a Grump.

Some more about Joseph. As if anybody cares.

Joseph prefers to be called Joe or Joe Cho, as long as his youth pastor (the real Joe, if anybody asks) is not in sight. To him, history is a story, not a grimy textbook top-heavy with useless factoids, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to make that clear. Joseph prides himself on telling things as they are, no matter how politically incorrect or crass it may seem. When he has free time, he is also an artist, frequently uploading intricate pen-and-paper doodles of stationery, whiteboards, and aliens. He also makes it a daily habit to jog through his neighborhood at least once, often for thirty minutes to an hour nonstop.

When Joseph isn't humming Sabaton lyrics, eating all your roasted almonds, or coming up with terrible prank ideas, he enjoys helping out with his church's Awana program and reading up on current events.